The currently selected region is
Competent authority / Form
Adult education and further education
Training facilities for social care professions
Submission of annual reports
Animal health and veterinary medicine
Animal breeding organisations
Performance tests/estimations of breeding values
Transmission of performance test/estimation of breeding values
Change/cessation of the activity
Annual report on the breeding programme
Recurring evidence of the conditions for approval
Animal breeding organisations of other countries
Report on the breeding programme
Disclosure of breeding occurrences
Building materials
Authorised office for building products
Licence for issuing certificates of compliance
Civil protection, emergency management and fire service
Emergency management
Submission of internal emergency plans
Commercial production facilities
IPPC installations (Federal State of Styria)
Establishment of/operation of/changes to an IPPC installation
Measurements/procedures/expert reports
IPPC Treatment Plants - Special Notification Requirements
IPPC Treatment Plants - Approval Procedures
IPPC Treatments Plants - Control a.Updating of Authorisation
IPPC Treatment Plants - Closure
Seveso II establishments
Notification of Seveso II establishments
Submission of the safety report of Seveso II establishments
Submission o.internal emergency plans o. Seveso II establishment
Trade facilities
Facilities - Alteration
Trade facilities - standard approval procedure
Trade facilities - simplified approval procedure
Construction procedures
Building experts
Inclusion in the register of experts
Death and burial
Funeral services
Establishment/extension/closure of burial facilities
Cemetery rules and regulations
Establishment of chapels of rest/mortuaries
Urn interment
Transfer of a body
Transfer of an exhumed body and repatriation
Arrival of a body at its destination
Exhumation of a body
Disability - support
Facilities and services for people with disabilities
Facilities for people with disabilities
Services for people with disabilities
Energy management
Electricity facilities
Operation of a distribution system
Electricity generation plants
Technical operations management
Power installations
Establishment of/changes to installations
Completion o.the installation/cessation operation
Preliminary investigation procedure
Preliminary work
Deadline extension for preliminary work
Extension of the operating approval/building permit
Restrictive rights
Environmental impact assessment
EIA - Simplified Procedure
EIA - Preliminary Procedure
EIA - Declaratory Proceedings
Mobile entertainment events - application
Major event - application
Healthcare Professions
Medical Doctors - Qualifications - Recognition
Pharmacists - European Professional Card - EPC
Medical Doctors - Declaration of Temporary Services
Pharmacists - Qualifications - Recognition
Pharmacists - Declaration of Temporary Services
Qualified Nursing Care - Declaration of Services
Midwives - Qualifications - Recognition
Midwives - Declaration of Temporary Services
Therapeutic Masseurs - Declaration of Temporary Services
Nurses Responsible for General Care - Recognition
Qualified Cardio-Technicians/Perfusionists - Recognition
Medical Assistant Professions - Qualifications - Recognition
Special Allied Healthcare Professions - Declaration of Services
Medical Masseurs/Therapeutic Masseurs - Recognition
Music Therapists - Declaration of Temporary Services
Special Allied Healthcare Professions - Recognition
Music Therapists - Qualifications - Recognition
Physiotherapists - Qualifications - Recognition
Psychotherapists - Declaration of Temporary Services
Nursing Care - Specialisation - Recognition
Assistant Nurses - Qualifications - Recognition
Healthcare/Clinical Psychologists - Temporary Services
Healthcare Psychologists/Clinical Psychologists - Recognition
Psychotherapists - Qualifications - Recognition
First-/Second-level Emergency Medical Technicians - Recognition
Dental Practitioners - Qualifications - Recognition
Dental Practitioners - Declaration of Temporary Services
Dental Assistance - Qualifications - Recognition
Health resorts and health-promoting substances
Health-promoting substances
Use permit
Analysis results
Marketing licence for products
Independent professions
Accounting professions
Commercial Accountants ? Exemption from the Examination
Management Accountancy Professions (EU/EEA/Switzerland)
Management Accountancy Professions (EU/EEA/Switzerland)
Payroll Accountants ? Exemption from the Examination
Accountancy Professions - Acknowledgement of Firm
Accountancy Professions - Reported Change
Accounting Professions - Appointnment of Natural Persons
Termination of Voluntary Suspension
Management Accountancy Professions - Branch Office
Management Accountant - Exemption from the Examination
Examination for Payroll Accountants
Accountancy Professions - Voluntary Suspension of Licence
Management Accountancy Professions - Waiver of Licence
Examination for Management Accountants
Examination for Commercial Accountants
Chartered accountants
Chartered Accountancy Professions (EU/EEA/CH)-Establishment
Chartered Accountancy Professions (EU/EEA/CH) - Service
Chartered Accountants - Voluntary Suspension of Licence
Chartered Accountants - Recognition of Firms
Chartered Accountants - Examination - Request for Admission
Chartered Accountants - Trainee Accountants - Reported Change
Chartered Accountants - Termination of Voluntary Suspension
Chartered Accountants - Appointment of Substitutes
Chartered Accountants - Examination - Decision on Admission
Chartered Accountants - Branch Office
Chartered Accountants - Trainee Accountants - Registration
Chartered Accountants - Variable Contribution Rates - Assessment
Chartered Accountants - Office Continuity
Chartered Accountants - Variable Contribution Rates - Estimate
Chartered Accountants - Appointment of Natural Persons
Civil engineer
Chartered Engineering Consultant´s ID Card
Architects from EU/EEA Countries or Switzerland - Estblishment
Suspension of Licence due to Employment Relationship
Real estate agent
Real estate agent - European Professional Card - EPC
Veterinary practitioner
Veterinary practitioner - transborder veterinary practice
Veterinary practitioner - surgery - opening
Veterinary practitioner - identification card - receipt
Veterinary practitioner - list of veterinary practitioners-entry
Mining industry
Mining Activities - Visitation
Motor vehicles - road traffic
Off-road vehicles
Sports events
Driving on the training ground
Nature and landscape
Conservation of the appearance of a place
Changes in the use of a building
Physical structures in public areas
Conservation of the environment
Hydroelectric power stations
Nursery schools, crèches, day care facilities for children
Educational establishments and day care facilities for children
(Special-)Eductor - Recognation
(Special-)Kindergarten teacher - recognation
(Special) Educator - recognition
Childcare licence for childminders
Operation in alternative premises
Changes to the qualification conditions of the childminder
Special permission
Changes in the identity of the maintainer
Notification of external persons
Radiation protection
Radiation protection facilities
Clearance and Discharge of Radioactive Material
Approval of work by external workers exposed to radiation
Emergency Preparedness and Response for Practices
Radiation Protection in the Case of Radon
Type Approvals
Radiation Protection Registers
Activities Involving Radiation Sources Subject to Authorisation
Shipment of Radioactive Material
Management and Shipment of Radioactive Waste
Radiation Sources - Dose Monitoring Stations - Licence
Radiation Protection in Natural Radiation Sources
Sewer connection
Sewage disposal
Disposal of industrial wastewater
Sports and leisure facilities
Alpine and mountaineering schools
Recognition of qualifications
Construction and operation of an alpine or mountaineering school
Management of the Alpine and Mountaineering School
Interruption/resumption of activity
Continued operation in the event of death
Withdrawal of authorisation
Canyoning guide
Canyoning guide - Exercise power
Canyoning guide - Recognition of qualifications
Canyoning guide - Interruption/resumption of activity
Canyoning guide - Withdrawal of the power
Mountain guide / ski guide
Mountain guide / ski guide - Exercise power
Mountain guide / ski guide - Withdrawal of the power
Mountain guide / ski guide - Interruption/resumption of activity
Mountain guide / ski guide - Recognition of qualifications
Mountain hiking guide
Mountain hiking guide - Interruption/resumption of activity
Mountain hiking guide - Withdrawal of the power
Ski schools
Construction and operation of a ski school
Managing Director?s Order
Reception/exposure/permanent setting of the operation
Withdrawal of authorisation
Continued operation in the event of death/extension of continuan
Recognition of qualifications
Notification of staff
Temporary instruction in the ski run
Other reporting obligations
Sports climbing instructor
Sports climbing instructor - Exercise power
Sports climbing instructor - Recognition of qualifications
Sports climbing instructor - Interruption/resumption of activity
Sports climbing instructor - Withdrawal of the power
Brothels/brothel-like establishments
Commencement/adjournment of business
Notification of staff
Resumption of business
Appointment of a representative
Dance school
Dance school - Restructuring
Dance school - Establishment of a dance school
Dance school - Business premises
Dance school - Appointment of a managing director
Dance school - Continued operation
Dance school - Withdrawal from the licence
Dance school - Notification of staff
Dance school - Start/cessation of the business operation
Measurement and calibration
Calibration centre - accreditation
Measurement and calibration - safety marks
Measurement and calibration - operation of public scale station
Test, inspection or certification bodies
Changes to/extension of the accreditation
Changes to accreditation conditions
Withdrawal from the authorisation
Trade and business
GISA-Excerpt and Information from GISA
Exemptions from Protection Rules
Termination of liquidation
Money Laundering - Reporting by Trade Professionals
Battery regulations
Batteries - Notification
Car regulations
End-of-life Vehicles - Notification
Compost Production - Notification
Compost Processing - Record
Compost Production/Import - Records
electrical device regulations
Waste Electrical Equipment - Notification
packaging regulations
Packaging - Notification
Spoil grounds
Establishment of a Landfill
Landfill Notification
Waste collection/-treatment
Hazardous Waste - Waste Manager
Collection and Treatment of Waste - Permit
Waste Collection/Waste Treatment - Master Data Registration
Hazardous Waste - Waybill Notification
Annual Waste Management Sheet - Records
Notification of the Annual Waste Balance (incl. Blanc report)
Waste management - Federal State of Styria
Exemption from the obligation to tender delivery
Changes to the waste management concept
Waste treatment plant
Waste Treatment Facilities - General Authorisation
Waste Treatment Plants - Change of Owner
Authorisation of Collection and Recovery Systems
Waste Shipment - Transboundary
Stationary Waste Treatment Facilities - Authorisation
Stationary Waste Treatment Facilities - Simplified Authorisation
Mobile Waste Treatment Facilities - Authorisation Procedure
Stationary/Mobile Waste Treatment Facilities - Notification
Mobile Waste Treatment Facilities - Self-Check
Waste treatment plant
Waste Manager - Appointment
Waste Management Plan - Preparation
Hazardous Waste - Declassification
Record-keeping Requirements
Hazardous Waste - Drawing up of a Waybill