Nationals of an EU member state or an EEA signatory state who are established in another EU member state or EEA signatory state and who are authorised to carry on a trade in the respective country, may pursue these activities temporarily and occasionally in Austria at the same conditions as Austrian citizens. It is not necessary to provide proof of competence if the commercial activity is regulated in the state of establishment or if regulated training within the meaning of Directive 2005/36/ EC has been completed or if - in the event that the commercial activity or training is not regulated - the service provider carried on business for at least one year during the preceding 10 years in the state of establishment.
If they wish to carry on a regulated trade , they have to notify the competent authority before taking up this activity (notification of services). This advertisement must be renewed once a year if the company intends to provide services in Austria during the year in question.
No specific deadlines have to be met.
Ministry of Labour and Economy (
German text
Abt. IV/6a
E-Mail :
[Competent authority / Form...] |
The Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy has to review the advertisement in case of notices of the first admission of a regulated activity. Within one month, the advertiser has to be:
In the case of the trades named in section 373a paragraph 5 (2) of the Gewerbeordnung , it is also examined whether there is a risk of serious damage to public health or safety or the health or safety of the service recipient due to the lack of professional qualifications of the service provider. If such an impairment is not to be feared, this must be notified to the notifier within one month of receipt of the complete file. The exercise of the activity is permissible from the date of receipt of this notice.
If, in the course of the examination procedure, a serious risk to health and safety is to be expected due to the lack of professional qualifications of the service provider, a decision will be issued on the condition precedent of taking an aptitude test or an adaptation period.
For legal entities:
For natural persons:
In the case of renewal of the notification of service, in the
case of significant changes, the documents serving to prove the
changes shall be attached to the advertisement.
There are no stamp duties and federal administration fees.
Section 373a of the Gewerbeordnung 1994 ( GewO 1994)
I have noted that the data provided by me, as well as any data received by the administration over the course of the preliminary investigation, will be automatically processed as per article 6, para. 1 lit. c and e of the General Data Protection Regulation in accordance with the underlying material laws of the legal process. Furthermore, I am aware that this is for the purpose of executing the legal procedure initiated by me, the granting of regulatory approval and also for the purpose of review. I have read the general information regarding:
Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
4 April 2024